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Sed porttitor, elit vitae facilisis fermentum, orci metus dignissim magna, vel facilisis est tortor dignissim lorem. Fusce commodo molestie augue ac tincidunt. Cras porttitor orci quis sapien placerat, tempor efficitur sem condimentum. Nulla facilisi. Etiam quis dolor et mi dapibus sagittis. Phasellus ullamcorper ornare vulputate. Aenean accumsan vitae dolor ac tempor.

Your pussy is a magical flower created first and foremost for your own pleasure and enjoyment. NOT to make babies. NOT to make love. NOT to please others.... though those things are all great, too. The first person to discover our turn-on SHOULD be ourselves. Most of...

Today my partner proposed that at 3 pm we come together for some connection and intimacy time. This was after long weeks of discussion and hurt feelings on both of our sides, and with a request from me to intentionally connect more. Working at home and living on a...

Womxn on top. Womxn on bottom? Womxn on the side... Sex positions are an interesting thing. Once upon a time I hated being on top. My cervix was very sensitive (because I didn't realize how much trauma it had and that it needed to be dearmoured... I just...

The average woman needs 45 minutes of warm-up time (aka foreplay) before she's ready for penetration. Most people don't realize this. Therefore, many women have been penetrated LONG before they were actually ready, which results in vaginas that begin to numb out or...