Your pussy is a magical flower created first and foremost for your own pleasure and enjoyment.
NOT to make babies.
NOT to make love.
NOT to please others….
though those things are all great, too.
The first person to discover our turn-on SHOULD be ourselves.
Most of us didn’t grow up feeling like we were autonomous sexual beings in this world, because no one explained that we in fact ARE autonomous sexual beings in this world!
But just because we weren’t told our sexual pleasure is for US, that doesn’t mean we can’t transform our belief systems and learn something new.
I want you to let this message soak into your bones and cellular make-up…
Your sexual pleasure is for YOU.
Your orgasms are for YOU.
Your beauty is for YOU.
Your sensuality is for YOU.
Your exploration is for YOU.
And those who you invite to play with you are blessed to bask in the presence of your empowered, sexy and whole self.
I don’t mean blessed in a “bow down to me, bitch” kind of way.
But I truly mean blessed, in that I don’t know of anything more profound than two (or more) beings coming together sexually in a conscious and deliberate way, creating allowance for FULL sexual expression to be shared and shown, speaking out desires (regardless of how “dirty” or shameful one might think they are) and giving each other the freedom to really embody all of themselves in whatever form that embodiment comes: tears of grief, screams of anger, growls of a lioness, manic laughter, incredible joy or epic orgasmic squeals.
The more we create these spaces where all is welcome within ourselves and our sexual partners, the more we create a planetary shift in sexuality consciousness.
Your pussy and pleasure is for YOU.
And you choose when and how to share it.
?? Amazing artwork by Jacqueline Escor @jacquelinesecorart